A Day at EUHK

This morning (May 4), Tracey met me at the hotel, and we began our hour+ commute to the Education University of Hong Kong. It is in a beautiful green space (kind of like Soka), with the giant Goddess of Mercy on a nearby hillside.

We met with Marie, a senior research assistant on the global education research project. Then I met with Linni, a faculty member working on research about asylum seekers in HK. It was so interesting to listen to her explain the issues for them. As HK has not signed the refugee convention, they have no international obligations to these people. However, the government does not believe in just sending them back without first analyzing their stories to consider their danger. Linni explained that it can be difficult for the children to get into schools. At the same time, there are teachers who do all they can to assist them. The worst discrimination seems to come from the community itself.

Linni and I went for dim sun at one of the university cafeterias, then I had a bit of time to review my presentation before my seminar. A small number showed up (8 0r 9), but we had an interesting conversation about resettlement and comparisons. A grad student from Uganda asked me about the issues currently in Uganda with the roughly 900,000 refugees that have poured in over the past year or two that include members of rebel groups. We talked about the difference between a country of first "temporary" settlement and a country expecting to permanently resettle. For instance, those not planning for permanent resettlement may not want the refugee children to go to their schools or adults to get jobs, as that implies a longer term commitment. It also allows the refugees to learn helplessness, as they have to rely on the UN and other agencies for their food, shelter, etc.

After that, I worked on the global ed project while Tracey consulted with a couple of her grad students. Then we found our way back using a bus and several subway trains.

I was really tired when I returned, so Dick and I ate at the hotel restaurant, a Singapore and Malaysian cafe. I caved for Western fish and chips, though, when I learned that the fish is a kind I like very much. I crashed before 10pm!

NOTE: June 2018 date on post is republish date, not date of the event.


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